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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Drew Oman's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
Drew Oman
Drew Oman's involvement with Buddhism began in the early 70s when he took a course in Buddhist Scriptures from Walpola Rahula (What the Buddha Taught) at Northwestern University, where Drew obtained a BA in psychology. His spiritual journey led him through years of rich study and practice with the Quakers, Self-Realization Fellowship, and while following Eknath Easwaran here in the Bay Area, an immersion in the Christian mystics. Drew returned to Buddhism, specifically to Vipassana practice, in the early 90s, and has established a consistent meditation practice, is an active member of IMSB, studies Buddhist scripture, and engages in retreat practice. Drew has taught English as a Second Language in community college and Stanford, and works as an English language coach in corporate settings.
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2016-11-03 Generosity 35:52
Drew Oman gave the first talk in the eleven-week series "Ten Perfections." He began with a brief introduction to the Paramis (Ten Perfections), and then discussed the first perfection, Generosity (Dana), in more detail. He presented material from the suttas and from contemporary research on the relationship between giving and happiness.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2016-07-21 Refrain From Sexual Misconduct 50:39
Drew Oman gave the third talk in a six-week series titled "Ethics, Action and the Five Precepts." He expands upon the third precept: refraining from sexual misconduct. He explores its relation to the other four precepts and to the four noble truths.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Ethics, Action and the Five Precepts
2016-07-07 Ethics, Action and the Five Precepts 4:55:25
with Angie Boissevain, Ayya Santussika, Drew Oman, Shaila Catherine
This series will explore virtue as the indispensable foundation of Buddhist practice. The series will emphasize the five training precepts, and explore action, ethics, kamma, and cause-effect dynamics. The precepts are not rules to be obediently followed; they serve as guidelines for the intentional development of compassion, mindfulness, and wisdom. These five precepts offer us a joyful method to cultivate the heart, nurture harmony in relationships, and free the mind from inner forces of greed and anger that if unrestrained may cause suffering to ourselves and others.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2013-01-01 The Two Guardians 30:19
This talk presents the two guardians, hiri and ottappa in Pali, as lenses for self-examination from the original texts, and as supports for the cultivation of sila in our everyday lives. Hiri, is more inwardly directed; it's our inner moral compass. Ottappa, is more outwardly directed; it comprises of notions such as social conscience or a collective sense of morality. Together, they guard our minds from going too far astray. The audience are divided into pairs to explore how each of these concepts can be used in investigate both wholesome and unwholesome thoughts and actions, helping us to deepen our understanding of what it means to live ethical lives.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks
2012-06-26 Embrace, Let Go, Stop, Act! - The Four Noble Truths - Guided Meditation 33:46
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2012-06-26 Embrace, Let Go, Stop, Act! - The Four Noble Truths 37:38
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2012-03-27 Brain-based Meditation - Guided Meditation 38:32
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2012-03-27 Brain-based Meditation 46:57
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2012-01-04 Meditation and the Brain, Guided Meditation 43:02
Guided meditation, meditation instructions
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Featured Guided Meditations
2012-01-04 Meditation and the Brain, Guided Meditation 43:02
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012

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