The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dharma Teachers of Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
Thanissaro Bhikkhu
Dharma practice is medicine for the mind -- something particularly needed in a culture like ours that actively creates mental illness in training us to be busy producers and avid consumers. As individuals, we become healthier through our Dharma practice, which in turn helps bring sanity to our society at large.

Aishin Leonard

Allan Cooper

Amy Saltzman
Dr. Amy Saltzman is a holistic physician, mindfulness coach, scientist, wife, mother, devoted student of transformation, long-time athlete, and occasional poet. Her passion is supporting people of all ages in enhancing their well being, and discovering the Still Quiet Place within. She is recognized by her peers as a visionary and pioneer in the fields of holistic medicine and mindfulness for youth. Dr. Saltzman has offered mindfulness to young people from pre-K to college undergrads in socioeconomically diverse school, and community settings. She has conducted two research studies evaluating the benefits of teaching mindfulness to child-parent pairs, and to children in low-income elementary schools; these research projects were conducted in collaboration with the Department of Psychology at Stanford University.

Andrea Fella
Andrea Fella is the co-teacher at the Insight Meditation Center and the Insight Retreat Center. She has been practicing Insight Meditation since 1996, and teaching Insight Meditation since 2003. She is particularly drawn to intensive retreat practice, and has done a number of long retreats, both in the United States and in Burma. During one long practice period in Burma, she ordained as a nun with Sayadaw U Janaka. Andrea is especially drawn to the wisdom teachings of the Buddha. Her teachings emphasize clarity and practicality. Andrea is a member of the Spirit Rock Teachers Council, and teaches residential retreats for IMC and other retreat centers around the country

Angie Boissevain

Ann Dillon
Ann Dillon began meditating in 2003. As her meditation practice developed and evolved over the years, she discovered a natural inclination to the jhanas. In 2008 Ann began practicing and studying under the guidance of Shaila Catherine. Since then she has been developing and cultivating the traditional samadhi-vipassana (concentration-insight) practice as a means of preparing the mind for liberating insight. In 2011 Ann attended a 4-month retreat with Pa-Auk Sayadaw and Venerable U Jagara, focusing on the Four Elements meditation. Sutta study is an ongoing source of support and inspiration for her practice. Ann lives in Florida with her family, where she also teaches yoga and works as a pedagogical consultant in distance education programs.

Arinna Weisman
My teaching practice and my personal practice continually intertwine, each weaving a pattern in the larger tapestry of the Dharma. The theme that threads itself throughout my practice relates to the tremendous pain and suffering, the challenges and difficulties that so many beings face, and the possibility of awakening from this suffering. From this immediate calling I've woven the purpose of my life.

Berget Jelane
Berget Jelane has been practicing meditation since 1986 with Gil Fronsdal as her primary teacher. She coordinates SJ Insight Meditation, teaches at various groups in the Bay Area, and has a small sitting group in Morgan Hill. Berget was ordained as a lay Buddhist minister in 2010. She is a psychotherapist and incorporates mindfulness and the Buddha's teachings into her work with clients.

Bill Kostura and Phil Goodwin

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