The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Carla Brennan's Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
Carla Brennan
Carla Brennan is an Insight Meditation retreat teacher in the Santa Cruz area and offers drop-in meditation groups, classes, retreats and other programs with Bloom of the Present Insight Meditation. She is also a visiting teacher with the Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, CA. Carla began meditation practice in 1975 in the Zen tradition and was a student of Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn in Cambridge, MA. A few years later she began attending the newly formed Insight Meditation Society in Barre, MA. Later she added the Tibetan Buddhist practice of Dzogchen and is now an authorized teacher of Natural Wisdom and Compassion with the Foundation for Active Compassion. In the early ’90’s, Carla began attending wilderness retreats with Sacred Passage, completing 2 one-month solo retreats near Crestone, CO, and training to be a Sacred Passage Guide. As part of her regular teaching, Carla offers meditation in nature and encourages her students to open to the wisdom of the natural world.
2020-01-28 Practicing the Path 36:54
Do the actions we perform lead us to liberation or continued suffering?
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks
In collection: Buddha's Core Teachings: Finding True Happiness Through the Four Noble Truths
2020-01-07 Buddha's Core Teachings: Finding True Happiness Through the Four Noble Truths 2:46:38
with Carla Brennan, Lisa Dale Miller, Shaila Catherine, Toni Bernhard
No one wants to suffer, and yet stress is everywhere in our lives. After the Buddha awakened under the Bodhi Tree, the first thing he talked about was how to find true happiness. He described four wise ways you can work with your mind in the midst of ordinary and meditative experiences, popularly known as the Four Noble Truths. You can (1) comprehend your suffering; (2) abandon its causes; (3) realize that it is possible to end suffering; and (4) follow the path that leads to its end. Practicing this path, you will become free—not by avoiding what is unwanted, but by developing a wise relationship to your mind and all the myriad conditions by which it manufactures stress.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
2012-07-03 Freeing Ourselves From the 8 Worldly Dharmas 42:19
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2012
2011-08-02 The Practice of The Wild 45:26
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley Tuesday Talks—2011

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