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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

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The Role of Feelings and Emotions in Decision Making
2017-08-29 The Role of Feelings and Emotions in Decision Making 41:22
Shaila Catherine
Shaila Catherine gave the fifth talk in a speaker series titled "Living Wisely in the World: Caring for Mind, Family, Society, and Planet." She pointed out that feelings and emotions can be rather seductive, especially when we are not mindful of them, because they can unconsciously propel us into action. When feelings are pleasant, the response very often moves the mind towards craving and grasping. When feelings are unpleasant, the response is often aversion. Therefore, feelings should be investigated and understood, instead of being the basis upon which impulsive decisions are made.
Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley
In collection: Living Wisely in the World: Caring for Mind, Family, Society, and Planet

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