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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

Tuesday Talks—2011

2011-01-04 (358 days) Insight Meditation South Bay - Silicon Valley

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2011-10-18 Understanding Dukkha 43:50
Kim Allen
Dukkha – variously rendered as suffering, unsatisfactoriness, stress, or struggle – is one of the three marks of existence. According to the teaching on the First Noble Truth, the task related to dukkha is to understand it. This talk examines what dukkha is and is not, and offers guidelines for exploring it deeply.
2011-10-25 Who do I Think I AM?—Self, Not-self, and the Dharma 46:23
Tony Bernhard
2011-11-01 Travelling the Eightfold Path Towards Insight and Liberation 37:08
Andrea Fella
2011-11-29 Seven Factors of Enlightenment 37:16
Sayadaw U Jagara
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